1. Skin Wellness
At Cult51, our priority is you. More specifically, your skin.
That's why we never release a product unless we believe it to be better, more sophisticated and more effective than the skincare alternatives that are already available.
Our products are clinically proven to significantly improve your skin's condition and health for naturally flawless and radiant complexion, and for physically younger, energised skin.

2. Clinically Proven Results
We will only launch a product if it offers exceptional results and is genuinely effective.
All of our products undergo full independent clinical trials before launch, these are outsourced to ensure a fair and unbiased outcome.
World renown and widely respected within the skincare industry, Princeton Consumer Research carry out our clinical trials.
Our aim is to to ensure exceptional results through the highest quality actives and stringently tested formulations.
We will only launch a product we can prove works.

3. Independent British Brand
We're proud to be British and to be able to say that all of our products are manufactured in the UK, where the laws ensure that every worker has rights and fair standards.

4. Skincare for All
We appreciate that all skin is different.
We've tested our products across a wide panel of trialists, to ensure that they'll still deliver incredible results no matter your skin type, ethnicity, age or gender.

5. Cruelty Free
We are 100% cruelty free. This means that no innocent animals were harmed in the process of developing, testing, creating or manufacturing our products.
We are also proud to say that we are approved by the PETA's Global Beauty without Bunnies program to be animal-testing-free.

6. Vegan (where possible)
We try to ensure that all of our products are suitable for everyone, regardless of your skin type, age, gender, ethnicity or ethics.
That's why, where we could create vegan products without compensating on efficacy, we have. However, some of our products contain collagen, which is unrivalled when it comes to delaying ageing.

7. Sustainable
Right now, most of our packaging is recyclable and biodegradable.
But this isn't enough.
We are on a sustainability journey researching new ways to make our packaging more environmentally friendly and sustainable for the future. Because we care about the world we live in.