So, you have found a new skincare product that you just can’t wait to try out, but you don’t know how you are going to test the results. We have all been there; two weeks of using a new product, and you stand in front of the mirror to desperately try and figure out if that “anti-ageing, ultra-hydrating, super-cream” actually did what it said it would on the tin. Well, we've got a tip for you that will help you figure it out. Grab your pen and paper, get your camera in hand, as we talk you through how to create a Skincare Diary to track your skin’s highs and lows, and to help figure out if the products you are using are actually doing your skin any good.
First thing’s first, snap a selfie. This should be page one of your Skincare Diary, as you will need something to compare your results to further down the line. Ensure your hair, jewellery and clothing and off your face and neck area. If you can, choose a room with good, natural lighting to take your photo, and remember to make a note of when the photo was taken and what products you are using at that time.
Don't fret too much about the actual image, as it is really only for your own purposes, so if you are having a bad hair day it won't count a jot.
Spend a little more time in front of the mirror and make a list of the things you struggle with and would like to see improved, such as hydration, age spots, acne, and fine lines. Feel your skin and note down areas of dryness, consider how your makeup applies and how it lasts with the product. In a previous blog, we considered Face Mapping to see what your body's health was trying to tell you, but marking out problem areas or noting them down will really help. A key indicator of your skin's health is its elasticity, and here's a quick pinch test you can try to test this.

While we know our skincare routine plays a huge role in how good our skin looks, there are other factors at play that should be thought about. For example, if you find that you have had an outbreak of spots that you weren’t expecting, you should make a note of what you have eaten that day. Foods and drinks that are high in fat and sugar increase the likelihood of unwanted acne.
If your skin is feeling a little less hydrated and a little more lacklustre, make a note of how much water you drank that day, or how many hours of sleep you got the night before. More often than not, you will start to see a pattern between breaks in your everyday routine and problems with your skin.

Now, for the photos that will reveal all. We recommend taking multiple photos after using a new product. 10 minutes after the first application to reveal how quickly if at all the product gets to work. 24 hours after application to test if any of the results can be seen the day after first use. 2 weeks after the first application and 1 month after the first application. Taking a series of "after" photos will highlight how well a product has worked on your skin, and how quickly it has worked. If you aren't seeing any difference, or if your skin has gotten worse, refer back to your daily considerations.

Photographs only tell some of the stories, so re-test the elasticity of your skin and feel your skin yourself for improved smoothness. There's every possibility that friends and family have noticed an improvement in your skin too, and we all love a compliment, don't we? It is always worth only changing one product at a time so you can really tell a difference. A Skincare Diary may also highlight some patterns in your routine that you might want to improve on for even better results.